4Vector contains a vast selection of free, high quality vectors, backgrounds, graphics and clipart. All the material found at 4Vector is totally royalty free and free to download and the site is user friendly.
Free to use & reuse from Library of Congress collection.
Animal Photos
Creative Commons-licensed photos of animals. Arranged by animal name. Each image indicates the type of Creative Commons license associated with the picture and how to attribute photos.
Art History Texts (Getty Research Portal)
Getty Research Portal, which has unveiled a new design and a total volume count surpassing 100,000. “In assembling a virtual corpus of digitized texts on art, architecture, material culture, and related fields from numerous partners, the Portal aspires to offer a more expansive collection than any single library could provide.” Read about it on Open Culture.
Art of the Poster
Minneapolis College of Art & Design offers over 200 downloadable, digitized posters in Art of the Poster 1880-1918, a curated collection of posters from the “Golden Age” of graphic design.
Audio Archive
Contains over a hundred thousand free digital recordings ranging from alternative news programming, to Grateful Dead concerts, to Old Time Radio shows, to book and poetry readings, to original music uploaded by our users. Many of these audios and MP3s are available for free download.
Need sounds for a game? Audiofarm concentrates on whole albums. Click on one of the many genres to get a list of albums. iChange the filter from "All Audio“ to "CC Audio" to find a wide range of tracks. Be sure to check the license--Creative Commons--next to the track.
This collection of royalty-free music can be downloaded from the site with the request of a credit if it is used for any project.
British Library
The British Library has released over a million images onto Flickr Commons for anyone to use, remix and re-purpose. These images were taken from the pages of 17th, 18th, & 19th century books. There are maps, geological diagrams, beautiful illustrations, comical satire, illuminated & decorative letters, colorful illustrations, landscapes, wall-paintings, & much more. Read about it here.
Classic Children’s Books
Library of Congress
Public domain books from LOC that are free to use & reuse. (Examples here: http://blogs.loc.gov/loc/2017/08/free-to-use-and-reuse-classic-childrens-page-turners/)
Clipart ETC
A resource of over 38,000 clipart images from Florida Educational Technology Clearinghouse. Every item comes with a choice of image size and format as well as complete source information for proper citations in school projects. Searchable database or find images via site map list. Teachers and students can use up to 50 images in a project with no further permission. Credit the Clearinghouse when using images. Need backgrounds for presentations? Check out Presentations ETC.
Community Audio
You can download all kinds of audio files, ranging from the blues, country, electronic, experimental, hip hop, indie, jazz, rock and spoken word. Part of Internet Archive.
Compfight searches Flickr for all the different CC licenses at once. When you run a search on Compfight, click Creative Commons from the menu down the left next to the results--from then on, every image you search for you can use..
Copyright Friendly
Copyright-Friendly and Copyleft Images and Sound (Mostly!) for Use in Media Projects and Web Pages, Blogs, Wikis, etc.
"Most of the media in these collections are attached to generous copyright licensing. Though you may not need to ask permission to use them when publishing on the Web for educational purposes, you should cite or attribute these images to their creators unless otherwise notified! If you see any copyright notices on these pages, read them for further instructions."
Creative Commons Directory
A wiki list of organizations and projects powered with Creative Commons licenses.
Creative Commons Search Page
Users are able to limit search results by "works I can modify, adapt, and build upon" or "works I can use for commercial purposes." For a quick intro to Creative Commons, watch the short video "Wanna Work Together."
Music: Here is an article from the Creative Commons blog: 7 Ways to Find Creative Commons Music.
Derek R. Audette
Get music specifically made to be used as background music for films and video productions, performed and recorded by Derek R. Audette here. It is not necessary to obtain his permission so long you give him proper credit.
Get a free high resolution photo each day with no attribution required. The names on the photos are pretty generic so you may want to use the category or search option to find things easily.
ccMixter is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want. dig.ccmixter.org is the search-engine part of ccMixter. Look for “Podsafe Music” or “Free Music for Commercial Projects”. The top of the list will be populated with the most recent entries for immediate preview or download.
Dreamstime Free Stock Photos
Be sure you/students choose the Free Images tab to search.
A large online library to download completely free music, that you can use for any personal or educational projects.
Europe's cultural collections can be found here, but be careful because you will find a mixture of things in and out of the public domain here. Just make sure that after you search you look to the right-hand side of the page and click on "By copyright," and then click on "Public Domain marked."
"We are a search engine for free photos. These come from many sources and are license-specific. You can view a photo's license by clicking on the license icon, below and left of photos. Membership is free, without advertising, and allows you to rate, tag, collect and comment on photos."
Open F|S is the complete digitized collections of the Freer and Sackler Galleries and the Freer Study Collection, part of the Smithsonian. With more than 40,000 works being made available for high-resolution download—expanding regularly with new acquisitions—you can explore the Smithsonian's museums of Asian art from anywhere in the world, whenever you like. Images can be used for all non-commercial purposes, from desktop wallpapers to artistic gifts for family and friends.
Farm Security Administration and Office of War Information
Photogrammar is a web-based platform for organizing, searching, and visualizing the 170,000 photographs from 1935 to 1945 created by the United State’s Farm Security Administration and Office of War Information (FSA-OWI). When you get to a photo page clicking on the Library of Congress call number will bring you to that photo's LoC page containing larger jpegs and much higher resolution TIFF files. From the About page, "In order to build support for and justify government programs, the Historical Section set out to document America, often at her most vulnerable, and the successful administration of relief service. The Farm Security Administration—Office of War Information (FSA-OWI) produced some of the most iconic images of the Great Depression and World War II and included photographers such as Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, and Arthur Rothstein who shaped the visual culture of the era both in its moment and in American memory. Unit photographers were sent across the country. The negatives were sent to Washington, DC. The growing collection came to be known as “The File.” With the United State’s entry into WWII, the unit moved into the Office of War Information and the collection became known as the FSA-OWI File."
Search Flickr for photos with Creative Commons license. Be sure to include attribution for any photos you use.
Flickr Commons
The key goal of The Commons is to share hidden treasures from the world's public photography archives. Many organizations participate.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Images in the Folger’s Digital Image Collection are now licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 4.0 International License, one of the two Creative Commons licenses “approved for free cultural works.” There are almost 80,000 images, and counting. Read about it here.
Free Clip Art by Phillip Martin
Free art for classroom, newsletters, or wherever you can find a non-profit use.
Free Stock Music
Offers a wide variety of 100% free production music in ten genres: cinematic scores, classical, corporate, country, easy listening, electronic, hip-hop, international, pop and rock. Music comes with a royalty-free license allowing you to use the music in all types of productions for worldwide distribution, forever.
FreeDigitalPhotos.net allows you download and re-use low-resolution images free, without restriction. To re-use high-resolution images you need to publish a credit to the creator of the image. To help you meet the requirement of crediting the photographer, FreeDigitalPhots.net offers a simple chart that outlines how to credit the creator of an image. The left side of the chart lists the ways the images can be used and how to credit the photographer for each use case.
FreeFoto offers a mix images that are available for free and for a licensing fee. Students can use the images on FreeFoto for free provided that they adhere to the student use guidelines. Visitors to FreeFoto can search for images by keyword or they can browse the galleries. The galleries are arranged by the locations of where the images were captured, by natural subject (sunsets, seasons), and many other subjects.
This is a social music website built around a curated library of free, legal audio. The tracks on the site are pre-cleared for a variety of modern-day uses, including pod-safe audio, samples for remixes, music for audio and video productions.
Thousands of tracks of all types of music that is available to use free of charge. "Freeplay's first product, the Freeplay Music Library, is a comprehensive collection of High End Broadcast production music spanning all the popular musical genres, available for download."
"The Freesound Project aims to create a huge collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps, ... released under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus License. The Freesound Project provides new and interesting ways of accessing these samples, allowing users to
- browse the sounds in new ways using keywords, a "sounds-like" type of browsing and more
- up and download sounds to and from the database, under the same creative commons license
- interact with fellow sound-artists!"
This site does not have music; think crickets or fireworks or traffic.
Iconfinder does what it sounds like it does--finds icons which are available for re-use. So not photographs like some of the other sites, but small graphics and images which can be very useful in presentations.
Internet Archive
The Internet Archive hosts an extensive collection of resources, including music and other audio recordings that you can download for free. Students need to look at the usage rights closely when they find things on the Internet Archive. Not everything that is available to download for free is eligible to be reused for free.
J. Paul Getty Museum
The Getty Trust makes available, without charge, all available digital images to which the Getty holds the rights or that are in the public domain to be used for any purpose. No permission is required. Items available are marked Download. More details http://www.getty.edu/about/opencontent.html
Library of Congress: Free to Use and Reuse: John Margolies Photographs of Roadside America. "Over the span of nearly 40 years, Margolies took more than 11,000 color-slide photographs of vernacular structures across America’s highways, byways and main streets. Traversing the country, he was drawn to the architecture that came to define travel by car—motels, diners and gas stations—but also to quintessentially American oddities: buildings in the shape of dinosaurs, the sculpted concrete and plaster obstacles of miniature golf courses and parks featuring attractions from parrots to petrified rocks."
Jamendo is a community of free, legal and unlimited music published under Creative Commons licenses.
Share your music, download your favorite artists!
Library of Congress Photo Archives
"The Prints & Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) provides access through group or item records to about 75% of the Division's holdings, as well as to some images found in other units of the Library of Congress..."
Life of Pix
Life of Pix lets you grab free high resolution images with no copyright restrictions. New photos are also added weekly to give you an array of choices.
LIFE Photo Archive
Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today. Most were never published and are now available for the first time through the joint work of LIFE and Google. Images include famous personalities such as Marilyn Monroe, Charles Lindbergh, etc. as well as photos of American history and Americana. You can browse the collection from here or add “source:life” to any Google image search and search only the LIFE photo archive. For example: computer source:life. These are for personal, non-commercial use only.
Lionel PIncus & Princess Firyal Map Division--NYPL
More than 20,000 cartographic works are available as high resolution downloads. These maps have no know US copyright restirctions; NYPL is distributing these images under a Creative Commons, CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. View through NYPL's Digital Collections page and downloaded through the Map Warper. You need to create an account and then you can click a map.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
LACMA has made high resolution images of art works it has identified as being in the public domain available for download without any restrictions. Nearly 20,000 high-quality images of art from the collection are available to use as you see fit (that’s about a quarter of all the art represented on the site). Read about it here.
You can download and use their free music for both personal and commercial use as long as you provide credit.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has more than 400,000 high-resolution digital images of public domain works in the Museum’s world-renowned collection that may be downloaded directly from the Museum’s website for non-commercial use—including in scholarly publications in any media—without permission from the Museum and without a fee. The number of available images will increase as new digital files are added on a regular basis. Works that are covered by the new policy are identified on the Museum’s website with the acronym OASC.
[2017] The Metropolitan Museum of Art has just released 375,000 images of public domain artworks with a CC0 license. "The release, which covers images of the great majority of the museum’s holdings, is part of the Met’s Open Access initiative and will enable anyone, anywhere to freely access, use, and remix photos of some of the world’s most well-known works of art."
Moby offers large parts of his portfolio as soundtracks for non-commercial film projects. You can search his works by album, instrument, temnpo, mood or genre.
MorgueFile Free Photos for Creatives by Creatives
Contains high-resolution stock photography images free for either corporate or private use.
"Musopen is an online music library of copyright free (public domain) music. We want to give the world access to music without the legal hassles so common today. There is a great deal of music that has expired copyrights, but almost no recordings of this music is in the public domain. We aim to record or obtain recordings that have no copyrights so that our visitors may listen, re-use, or in any way enjoy music. Put simply, our mission is to set music free."
NASA Images
NASA Image and Video Library allows users to search, discover and download a treasure trove of more than 140,000 NASA images, videos and audio files from across the agency’s many missions in aeronautics, astrophysics, Earth science, human spaceflight, and more. Users now can embed content in their own sites and choose from multiple resolutions to download. The website also displays the metadata associated with images.
NASA-Space Sounds
NASA has posted a collection of audio including vocal clips (“Houston, we’ve had a problem” and “The Eagle has landed”) and rocket sounds, the chirps of satellites and equipment, lightning on Jupiter, interstellar plasma, radio emissions, and more. NASA’s own audio isn’t copyrighted, so you can use and re-mix these sounds however you wish. They do ask you to list NASA as source; read their content guidelines for full details. On SoundCloud.
National Archives and Records Administration
The National Archives and Records Administration offers a library of photographic images including photos of Churchill and Roosevelt, Nixon and Elvis, JFK and Jackie, World War II photos, and many many more historical photos. Find many of them through the above-linked online exhibits page, while others are available on their Flickr page & thousands more can be found in their Online Catalog. All of the National Archives’ images that are part of The Flickr Commons are marked “no known copyright restrictions.” As for the rest of the site--generally, materials produced by Federal agencies are in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission.
National Gallery of Art
The U.S. National Gallery of Art hosts more than 25,000 images of famous and not-so-famous works of art. Nearly all of the images can be downloaded and re-used for free. NGA Images also allows you to register and create online collections of images. The collections are called lightboxes. When you find an image in NGA Images click on the magnifying glass icon to enlarge it and learn more about it. Clicking the magnifying glass icon launches a pop-up box that contains an enlargement of the image, information about the artist who created the artwork, and an option to search for related images.
National Parks Service Digital Image Archives
National Parks Service's Digital Image Archive is a place to find images of US National Parks. You can search the archive by park and or subject. All of the images are in the public domain & free to download. The National Parks Service also offers a b-roll video gallery. The videos in the galleries are in the public domain. The b-roll video gallery can be searched by park, monument, building, or person. All of the videos can be downloaded.
New Old Stock
New Old Stock publishes old retro photos from Public Archives which are free of known copyright restrictions.
New York Public LIbrary (NYPL) Public Domain Images
The NYPL has digitized and uploaded more than 180,000 public domain items to their digital collections. They are free to download and reuse.
NOAA Photo Library
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: "More than 10,000 new images ... New search capability ... Thousands of stunning ocean exploration photographs, coral reef photographs, and polar regions photographs ..."
Museum of New Zealand
The Museum of New Zealand recently released more than 30,000 images of art and artifacts to download and re-use for free. The images are a mix of public domain images and images labeled with a Creative Commons license. The museum makes it easy to determine how an image is licensed. Not all images in the collections are included; be sure to click through to read the license.To determine the licensing of an image simply click on the download button and the next page clearly shows the license for the image.
Old Book Illustrations
"This site is designed to provide you with a wide range of illustrations scanned from old books. Most of these pictures are wood engravings or woodcuts, fewer are etchings or copper engravings; Visitors looking for nineteenth century or victorian clipart might just find it here. You are welcome to use our pictures in your school or educational projects, as well as in your artwork or in your scrapbook; you can also use them to make CD sleeves, banners or any part of a website."
Open Clip Art Library
This project aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used. All graphics submitted to the project should be placed into the Public Domain according to the statement by the Creative Commons.
Open Parks Network
"Materials hosted in the Open Parks Network repository are from various national and state park systems in the United States. Rights statements have been applied based on creators and source of materials. For items with copyright unknown or a rights statements other than a Public Domain Mark, U.S. Government Work, or South Carolina Public Record – contact them for permission to publish items.The Open Parks Network has made tens of thousands of images available to the public in a searchable database. Almost all are in the public domain, but there may be a few that don’t have a “Public Domain Mark.” The National Park Service has added 100,000 images.
You may use the sound effects on this web site free of charge in your video, film, audio and multimedia productions (but do not re-sell them or post on a web site for download).
PD Photos.org
Royalty free,public domain stock photos available for use by anyone. Lots of professional quality photos--including 98 photos of cheese! Photos of nature, places, computers, events, and much more.
"This is a place for free public domain photos and desktop wallpapers. Large collection of High Resolution photos and wallpapers, Thousands of high quality public domain pictures, easy to search, All photos on Photos8.com are public domain."
PhotosNormandie is a collaborative collection of more than 3,000 royalty-free photos from World War II's Battle of Normandy and its aftermath. (Photos date from June 6 to late August 1944). The main link goes to the photostream. You can also peruse sets, which include 2700+ images from the US and Canadian National Archives. Note: Captions/info in French.
"Pics4Learning is a copyright-friendly image library for teachers and students. The Pics4Learning collection consists of thousands of images that have been donated by students, teachers, and amateur photographers. Unlike many Internet sites, permission has been granted for teachers and students to use all of the images donated to the Pics4Learning collection."
Pixabay is a service that offers great public domain images. Because these images are in the public domain, you can use them freely and not have to worry about copyright or correct attribution. Any image on the site can be used for both digital and print communication, for both personal and commercial use. Users can upload their own images and provide them as public domain as well. You can search by keyword or browse by popularity, camera, or photographer. You can also limit by orientation or image type (such as photo or clip art). As always on these stock photo sites, there may be some mildly inappropriate images.
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books. Materials are in the public domain.
Public Domain 4U
"The best MP3's in the public domain"
Public Domain Archive
Public Domain Archive has acollection of photos without copyrights. New uploads weekly.
Public Domain Images (.net)
"Royalty free stock photos. All pictures are free for commercial and personal use."
Public Domain Music
"A reference site to help identify public domain songs and public domain music. [includes] lists of public domain music, royalty free music recordings you can license, and public domain sheet music reprints."
Public Domain Photos (.com)
All photos on this web site are public domain. You may use these images for any purpose, including commercial. But if some photo contains logos and products you need to be careful. Using someone else's trademark commercially can get you sued."
Public Domain Review
An online publication highlighting items in the public domain. On the site you want to put your cursor over Collections and to then click on Film, Image, Text, or Audio.
Public Health Image Library (Center for Disease Control)
Most of these images are in the public domain, but some are copyrighted. Info below the image will indicate copyright holder. The content is organized into hierarchical categories of people, places, and science, and is presented as single images, image sets, and multimedia files. WARNING: This library includes subject matter that might be unsuitable for children. Viewing discretion is advised.
Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam)
Offers nearly 210,000 Dutch works of art. Users can explore the entire collection, which is sorted by artist, subject, style, & by events in Dutch history. Users create their own online galleries from selected works in the museum’s collection & they can download Rijksmuseum artwork for free to decorate new products.
"Royaltyfreemusic.com offers a variety of FREE high-quality royalty free items, including royalty free stock footage, royalty free sound effects, royalty free clip art, royalty free images, royalty free photos, and of course, royalty free stock music. Our free Royalty Free Music section provides you with the resources you need to complete a variety of educational, personal, and non-profit projects."
All music you find here is released under open licenses (mainly Creative Commons). You can listen to and download all releases for free.
Find all kinds of free sound effects recordings. Students can download files as MP3 or WAV files. You do not need to register on the site in order to download the files. You must cite the source of the sound effects since most are labeled with a Creative Commons license.
Sound Jay
"Welcome to Sound Jay's free sound effects web site! You are allowed to use the sounds on our website free of charge and royalty free in your projects but you are NOT allowed to post the sounds on any web site for others to download, link directly to individual sound files, or sell the sounds to anyone else."
Sound Jig
Sound Jig provides audio ranging from sound effects to music loops, in a variety of categories like animals, futuristic, ambient electro, hip hop and many others. If you use any of the music, the only thing required of you is to link back to the site for attribution.
South Hill Records
South Hill allows you to download any track for non-commercial usage, just add credits to your project or description of your video/podcast/or shortfilm.
Startup Stock Photos
Mostly tech shots. No search; browse archive.
"Stockvault.net is a stock photo sharing website where designers and photographers can meet to share their images. You don’t have to sign up to be able to download our images, but we’d like you to do so anyway, just so you can gain access to our special features. All images on this site are free for personal and non-commercial usage." Does not work well with Safari.
"Browse through the categories of our huge gallery containing over 350.000 quality stock photos by more than 30.000 photographers! Need a wallpaper for your desktop or illustration for your blog? Need a pic for your commercial website design? Looking for inspiration? Have a look around."
Sweden's Nationalmuseum
The museum has released 3000 images to Wikimedia Commons. High-resolution images of more than 3,000 paintings from the collections are now available for download on Wikimedia Commons as public domain. The images can be freely used for any purpose. The images are also now zoomable, but not currently downloadable, in Nationalmuseum’s online database.
TinEye MultiColor Search Lab
With TinEye Multicolor you don't search by keyword--instead you search by color, up to five colours. TinEye has extracted the colors from 10 million Creative Commons images on Flickr.
Uncle Sam's Photos
A directory of US Government photo galleries.
US Dept of Agriculture has high res photos available for download that are copyright-free, public domain, images of crops, animals, insects, food, plants, and more.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Pomological Watercolor Collection
"The USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection documents fruit and nut varieties developed by growers or introduced by USDA plant explorers around the turn of the 20th century. Technically accurate paintings were used to create lithographs illustrating USDA bulletins, yearbooks, and other series distributed to growers and gardeners across America." Use of the images in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection is not restricted, but a statement of attribution is required. Each document shows the attribution to use.
Video Footage
This site (hongkiat.com) offers a list of 19 places to download free stock videos and footage. Be sure to explore the sites and read terms of service before referring students to any of these.
Wikimedia Commons
"Wikimedia Commons is a media file repository making available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content (images, sound and video clips) to everyone, in their own language. It acts as a common repository for the various projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, but you do not need to belong to one of those projects to use media hosted here."
World War 1 Posters--Pennsylvania State Archives
"This collection is of World War I era posters of varying size, color and medium pertaining to the U.S. and Pennsylvania. The posters are manufactured for many different businesses, institutions, and government agencies, and the artwork is by famous, obscure and unknown commercial illustrators. Those printed by various federal agencies were intended to generate patriotic fervor in Americans." Part of the Archives collection of thousands of digitized documents and photographs from unique collections in libraries across Pennsylvania. A wide variety of materials is available across more than 100 collections covering Pennsylvania history, Civil War history (including soldier’s diaries), high school and college yearbooks, local newspapers, and much, much more. Collections can be searched using a variety of search terms or browsed by subject. This project is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
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