Copyright vs Copywrong


Somebody's Watching You by Tallent Show. 

by Tallent Show

 © All rights reserved

used by permission from the free use photo pool




What's in a word? At the basic level the word 'copyright'  is easy to understand. It simply means to copy the right way. Use material created by other people in a correct and ethical manner. Don't steal other people's property. We have all heard "Imitation is the highest compliment" or something like that. But, using someone else's material without permission or taking credit for someone else's work - is not flattery - it is theft. It is hurtful and illegal. We are blessed and cursed by the flood of information and published works in our exploding digital society. The lines of creative ownership have become blurred because people can 'anonymously' access material on the world wide web and use it with ease. Most of the time this can be done without being "caught". When risk seems low and gain comes easily, it is no wonder that many people think little about copyright infringement or plagiarism. 


So, what is an educator to do?